Moves & relocations

When you move, so much comes your way that you sometimes run out of hands. Many moving companies therefore offer the service to pack and / or unpack your moving boxes for you. Very nice of course, because that saves valuable time in such a busy period. But, if you want to be unburdend with a stress free move, your boxes unpacked with an eye for their surrondings and with a tidy effect, I can help you.

Getting things done
I will come with my team to your new (empty) house for two days and I will IN ANY CASE take care of:
– a tidy kitchen
– a tidy bathroom
– a tidy master bedroom

In a way that it is clear and appropriate to your wishes. So, you can deal with other rooms and things and your house is ready to be occupied. Two days, three rooms and a tidy result costs € 2.560,- incl. 21% VAT.

Getting started
Do you want to know more? I would like to meet you to discover how Organized by Eva can help you. I am always discreet, because I understand that this can be a very big step for you to take. But, I’m sure it’s a great first step.

Yours faithfully,

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